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Cornwall Cathedrals Copyright


Via Podiensis

Le-Puy-en-Velay to Moissac

21 days - 413 km

15th April to 6th May 2015



Le Puy en Velay

Le Puy Cathedral


Day 1 - Saint-Privat d'Allier

Day 2 - Saugues

Day 3 - Le Sauvage


Day 4 - Aumont Aubrac

Day 5 - Nasbinals

Day 6 - St Chely d'Aubrac


Day 7 - St Come d'Olt

Day 8 - Estaing

Day 9 - Espeyrac


Day 10 - Conques

Day 11 - Decazeville

Day 12 - Figeac


Day 13 - Gréalou

Day 14 - Cajarc

Day 15 - Varaire


Day 16 - La Pech

Day 17 - Cahors

Day 18 - Grizou


Day 19 - Lauzerte

Day 20 - Moissac

Camino People





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